Sunday, December 7

Harry Potter

I have now seen enough Harry Potter to last me a few years (at least!). ABC Family has been playing the movies over and over again all weekend. Although I like Harry Potter (and have recently realized that a little boy at church reminds me of Daniel Radcliffe muchly) this is almost too much.

There is also that question of Cedric Digory/Edward Cullen. Confuses me, it does (woah, pulled a Yoda moment!). I had a discussion during the Christmas banquet dinner about Twilight, and I still haven't come to the conclusion of why I can't seem to get into those books. I say Edward is too perfect and that the Vampire-ness just adds to the perfection (as opposed to making him imperfect) because most girls like bad boys too... I'll argue the point until the cows come home.

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