Wednesday, September 17


Everyone stands for something. Like me, they may not go out and preach to the masses, they may not talk about it constantly, but there is something that everyone is passionate about. Aside from my relationship with Christ, I am passionate about many things (yeah, you would've never guessed, huh?). Unless someone brings up the issue or I have recently read something about it, I am pretty silent about the things that I stand for. This year, I've been trying to become an activist. Don't expect me to be all political about it, but I've decided that I can no longer just say that I support these things, and rant about how they should be different, but that my actions should reflect what I believe in. So, these are just some things that I get fired up about, and I hope you'll get fired up too! Oh, please note that grammar, lip gloss, Starbucks, and British accents did not make this list. I love those things, but I don't base my life on them.

Abolishing Child Slavery/Sex Slavery
I wasn't really aware that this was such a big issue until I saw a Dateline 20/20 episode about women and children who are sold into sexual slavery around the world. Slavery did not just happen in the 19th century, but it is very much alive and active today. According to, two children are sold into slavery about every minute, and about 1.2 million children are sold annually. Children are being sold! 27 million people are currently enslaved. Human Trafficking is a problem that needs to be stopped. Check out or their blog (in my links to the right) to find out what you can do to help!

Real Beauty vs. Society's Twisted View of Beauty
For a long time I bought into the lies that because I wasn't small and skinny, I wasn't beautiful. It took Christ's love to remind me that I was "fearfully and wonderfully made." I hate how society continues to deceive women, and I want it to stop. Check out the Dove Evolution video in my links.

Suicide Awareness

Depression is commonplace. People believe that their lives aren't worth anything. Although I've never committed suicide (obviously..) or known anyone who has, it had been a fleeting thought in some dark moments. Life is so much more than what people know. I want people to see purpose and meaning in their lives, ultimately through Christ. You are worth it. I think a big way to prevent suicide is to just be aware of those around who may be hurting. Really listen to people and don't concentrate on yourself so much. Check out the Alive Campaign website in my links.

I think being active is mostly about not thinking only about yourself, but loving others, and that's what Christ calls us to do.

"But someone will say, "You have faith; I have deeds." Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." (James 2:18)

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