Wednesday, September 17

Bathed in Moonlight

There is something about watching the world from above that makes everything fade away. It's like everything inside you doesn't exist for those moments, and it's just you, gazing at the water bathed in moonlight, talking to God. You shiver, partly from the cold, but partly because of the way you feel in those moments. Like you're totally surrendered, and everything you've worried about just melts away in the presence of God's beauty. Looking at the water, in the glow of the moonlight, made me imagine that this would be what a perfect first kiss would be like. That feeling, right then.

I wanted to keep those feelings, those moments in my pocket, and take them out when I start feeling overwhelmed or troubled. I knew the photo could never capture them. I couldn't store those moments, but I savored them. Just like I'm trying to do with my whole life, because I know I'll never get these beautiful moments back.

"Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom." (Psalm 90:12)

You've got a beautiful life, don't waste it.

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