Monday, February 16

Knowing all our best intentions never lit the world on fire

For some reason I didn't sleep well last night. Could it be the coffee that I had at around 6pm? Nah. Of course, it isn't helping me with my new resolution to kick this Starbucks habit... (what's a little more failure?) I have class until 6:40pm tonight and then have two group meetings after that right in a row. What I wouldn't give for a little down time.

There is volunteering this weekend, the sled-dog races, the play, and of course Seth Meyers is coming Thursday. Schedule in homework and I'm thrilled to hear two words: Spring Break.

Although, I am trying my best to stay in the here and now and not let these couple weeks past me by. I should be more worried about getting devoured by them, of course I'll leave that worry for the weeks following spring break...

There's been a lot on my mind lately, and not enough time to think about things. This makes me cranky and ornery.. I feel lately like I need to not put so much effort into friendships that seem to be moving on without me, and other friendships need more efforts or they will move on without me. Among other things, I have been a horrible friend lately.

On another note,
I was reading some Christian blogs and quickly got drowned in the crazy amount of terms that I'm not very familiar with: emergent church, world Christians, global Christianity. Woah. Wish I had time to read some more good Christian non-fiction.

I need my iron sharpened.

1 comment:

TMI said...

David Gregory, "Dinner with a Perfect Stranger" and "A Day with a Perfect Stranger."