Wednesday, December 10

I put my boots on wrong

Several times a day I attempt to put my boots on the wrong foot. It is an unconscious effort, but it is good enough to remind me that my mind is elsewhere. The problem stems from me repeatedly throwing my boots in the opposite position, so that when I go to pick them up, they're mixed up - right is left and left is right. Yet, I continue to attempt to put my boot on the wrong even when I've diagnosed the problem.

I'd been feeling out of sorts lately, struggling with emptiness, being upset with my roommates for no reason, and adepressed - starting to wonder if I actually suffer from depression. I happened to stumble upon a new blog, and one of the posts really encouraged me! A fellow Christian is the blogger, and she was talking about a verse in Psalms (here's the full post):

"For it is you who light my lamp; the LORD my God lightens my darkness." Psalm 18:28

It reminded me about how good God is, and that whatever "darkness" I find myself in, HE is able to make it light even if I find that thought quite impossible. And I know He will:

"And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose." Romans 8:28

That is very comforting to remember, and it lifts my spirits. Yet, sometimes, like putting my boots on wrong even when I know they're mixed up, I know that God is good and I know His grace is enough, but I'm still stuck in this strange place. Thankfully, I woke up this morning feeling lighter (and less lost) and I know reading that blog was also part of God's work in this. Remembering all the things I have to be thankful for - this space heater, for one - is also helping a lot.

"God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good!"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hey! thank you for stopping by my blog. :) it's good to know that there are other fellow brothers/sisters that may be struggling like me and it's always encouraging to see that God uses us in many ways [even random ways!] to encourage and bless us. i hope your situation gets better and, although this may be a little strange to ask, feel free to drop any prayer requests! your post also encouraged me and let's continue to pursue God in everything and with everything we have!

philipaians 4:13 - "i can do all things through Him who gives me strength."

have a nice day! :)