Wednesday, September 3

Those Three Words

Those three words are said too much and not enough -- Snow Patrol

What do you really mean when you tell someone you love them? What is love, really? The Bible says,

Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:4-8)

You've probably heard these verses read at a wedding. I wonder if this passage has become so well know that we stop to consider it anymore. Is this what you think of when you say 'I love you' to someone?

Love is patient.. I'll wait for God's timing to be with you without growing impatient.
Love is kind.. I'll choose to be kind to you even when you leave a pile of dishes in the sink or you choose to spend time with your friends rather than with me.
Love does not envy.. I won't be mad at you when you do well on a test and I don't. In fact, I'll be happy for you when you get that really awesome job.
Love does not boast.. I won't rub it in when I get a raise or a really good grade.
Love is not proud.. I won't put you down so I can feel better about myself.
Love is not rude.. I won't ignore you, leave the toilet seat up, or disrespect you.
Love is not self-seeking.. I'll think of you more than I think of myself. If you want to go to that concert, I'll go with you instead of going to the movie that I wanted to see.
Love is not easily angered.. I won't get mad at you for little things like leaving the toilet seat up or not sharing the remote control.
Love keeps no record of wrongs.. I won't bring up the fact that you didn't invite me to that party last week no matter how bad I feel.

Just thinking about what love really is and some of the ways it can be seen in action helps a lot. This list is definitely making me think of the times when I would not talk to people or hold things against them. That's not love.

Write out your own list of what love looks like in your life. Love is patient... __________. Fill in the blank. It's also good to keep in mind that you can add even when or regardless of statements to the end. Even when I've had a bad day. Even though it made me really mad! Even though I really want to because you really hurt me! Regardless of wether you're keeping a record or not. Regardless of the fact that you rubbed your good grades in my face before. Whatever situation you find yourself not being very loving in, write it out. Practice being loving.

Ask yourself, "Do I really mean all these things when I say I love you?"

Quote to ponder:
“Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it.” -- Swedish Proverb

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