Tuesday, September 2

An Adventure in Humility

I like to do things myself, and I certainly don't like to inconveinence people in having them do things for me. Well, God definitely wore away my pride. (He does that you know!)

It was late afternoon, and our group (a bunch of Campus Crusade people) were on our way back after hiking out to this island where many of the people decided to cliff jump. I've always been accident prone. This dates back to my parents threatening to wrap me in bubble wrap after numerous occasions. One specific time I fell off a hammock and hurt my wrist.. anyway, early that day on the way to the rocks, I had stubbed my toe and remarked to someone who was a little worn out from having bad knees, "If anyone is going to die today, it'll be me." I hate it when I predict things (although, I'm still alive so thankfully I'm not always spot on!!). When we were on our way back, I ended up tripping on an incline, my ankle went sideways and I remember being in seething pain. Awful pain in my ankle when I tried to stand up. I ended up getting piggy backed by two of my guy friends, and helped along the way by other friends. Despite being in so much pain, I remember how much it helped when they tried to calm me down with jokes or just whispering to me that it was going to be 'okay'. I can't begin to describe how much I love my friends, and how much I appreciate them. Seriously, I love you guys!

After an amazing rescue effort, hours in the ER waiting to be checked out, and being on crutches, I definitely feel very humbled. A verse that same day really stood out to me:

Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, because everything he does is right and all his ways are just. And those who walk in pride he is able to humble. (Daniel 4:37)
It is really hard for me to be on crutches, and I have a new respect for those who have been on them for months! I just want to scream, "I can walk by myself!" Even though I know I can't. Knowing I need help to get up or have to use the crutches makes me mad, but I realize God is using this time to humble me. Sometimes I feel so confident in myself, and what I can do. Being reminded that everything I can do is through Christ, and that even though things are hard, He has a perfect plan for any situation is hard, but is breaking down my pride.

Knowing that I have friends who will not only help carry me, but will also pray for me and help carry my burdens is so amazing! This is truly what love is. They have been so patient with me through this and kind, I'm overwhelmed. God is definitely lovin' on me!

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