Wednesday, August 27

Prologue to a Moment

Most novels start with a prologue, a foreword, a disclaimer of sorts. And this is mine. I don't claim to be the best writer, the best person, or the best anything, really. I rely on grace that was bought with a price by a Savior, the God of this universe, who gave it all up for me. I'm living this life, as an imperfect human being, giving it all back to Him, because it's all really His anyway (Philippians 3:7-9). So if you want to read a blog that's perfectly written with funny anecdotes and well versed phrases delivered at the right moment, I ought to warn you. I'll try my best to be witty and include some tear jerking moments now and again, but this story is not really mine. It's being written by someone else. So, if you can't handle me talking about God, and how amazing He is, then please make your way to the exit. Although, I'd be thrilled if you decide to stick around anyway. You can witness my learning surrender.

This place of surrender has not been easy. If I fool you in to thinking it was for one moment, please disregard. I've been through desperate, lonely, dark places, but even after it all I find that Christ is still holding me in the palm of His hand. There have been times when I've wanted to throw in the towel, when I could not find joy in any moment. Yet, I know now that no matter how miserable the moments, I needed those times. Because no matter how many times I fell, failed, and wept, it never sunk in that the God of the Universe had always come through, done His best for my life, and had never failed me. I finally got it.

I was laying on the beach, next to two amazing friends, listening to the waves and pondering life. I watched as a star winked, blinked, and then disappeared in the sky. A star just died, I thought to myself. When I mentioned this to my friends, one pointed out some scientific fact that if you stare at something for so long it will seem to disappear due to not having as many cones or rods in the center of your eye..* As I think about that explanation now, it seems when we focus our attention on Christ, instead of our problems, they disappear from view, and all we're left with is Christ, the King of Kings, standing in our midst. Regardless of the teachable moment I found myself in at the time, the stars were beautiful. Millions** of them, seen from a small section of beach, in a small town, on millions beyond millions** sand particles, seen by a girl who walked down to the beach to get a respite from the heat. Not to mention all of the them were made by a God who, although He created the universe, all those stars, the sand, everything, still loves that sad child on the beach. Woah.

Please don't take a moment for granted.

* Please do not take this for scientific fact -- I have no idea..
** Number grossly under-estimated.

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