Sunday, February 15

Valentine's Day: Making Grown Men Crumble

Walking through the grocery store, I came across something that would become a familiar sight this Valentine's Day:
a gruff looking, bear-belly, flannel shirt wearing man is looking at sprinkles in the cake aisle. I notice his cart sitting on the other side of the aisle. Inside the cart there is a heart shaped cookie-cake with red frosting. Kiss is printed on it in cursive letters.

Valentine's Day was made to humiliate the toughest of men.

Love conquers all, except for Samurai Ninjas.
But then again Samurai Ninjas have throwing stars to fight with.
And love is blind, so it’s not quite fair.

^ Not sure where this came from - a song, I think. But it cracks me up every time.

Oh, my sister and her "boy" got engaged (apparently 10% of couples get engaged on V-day). I'm excited for them, but this means I will be in two maybe three weddings this summer/fall and will be attending another aside from that (more if I wasn't going to be YouthWorks-ing this summer..)

Please, if you're considering getting engaged and you're going to want me to be in the wedding, you might want to consider a
wedding. My schedule is kind of wedded out.


Anonymous said...

Oh! I didn't realize your sister got engaged. Tell her congratulations for us!! :)

Also, if you need any good Christian non-fiction suggestions, I'm always available. I probably read too much :) Here are my suggestions:

Blue Like Jazz by Donald Miller if you haven't already read it.
Traveling Mercies by Ann LaMott
A Generous Orthodoxy by Brian McLaren (sorta spokesperson for the emergent church movement, but the book is a bit dry, and I still haven't gotten through the whole thing)
The Irresistible Revolution by Shane Claiborne (fantastic!)

I also have a few others that have been recommended to me, and which are on my list of to-read-next:

Jesus for President by Shane Claiborne (suspect it will be awesome too)
Pagan Christianity by Frank Viola and George Barna (head of the Barna Group who do all the surveys on Christians in the U.S.)
O2: Breathing New Life Into Faith by Richard Dahlstrom (he's our pastor here in Seattle, and Carl's reading the book now, so I haven't gotten to it yet)

I'll let you know if either is any good- I've heard mixed thoughts on the second.

Lindsey said...

Thanks for responding!

It's not that I don't have ideas about what to read, it's that I just don't have time! :(

I will note your suggestions and will hopefully get to read them before they become old editions.. ha ha. Although, if you had to choose just one to read, which one would you recommend?

And Kallie really hasn't told many people yet. They're anti changing their relationship status on Facebook, but I'll pass along your congratulations.