Wednesday, October 8

Long Walks in the Fall

Fall is one of the most beautiful times of the year. God's glory is certainly displayed in the fiery hues of autumn. There is a crispness in the air, and a chill too. Signaling the changing of the seasons. Part of me loves change. No more same-ol'-same-ol', but there is another part of me, which I am sure is echoed in everyone that is uncomfortable with change. Running into my best friend from middle school just yesterday reminded me of how even though we never change, we do change. We sat and chatted, and I realized I am nothing like the girl I was back then. Perhaps there are some corners of my soul where that insecure little girl lingers, but I am stronger now. Just this past week I've had to deal with more changes to the "routine." It's difficult at first, adjusting, but I can only be optomistic.

While fall reminds me of change, I have to admit that I love spring. Spring reminds me that God brings newness in the change. It's a comfort to know that I am not the same person that first came to Christ at the cross.

"Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!" (2 Corinthians 5:17)

I was able to walk among the tree with a friend yesteday; today I just need to pop in a cough drop and crawl back into bed. Being sick is no fun!

Get out there, enjoy fall, and embrace the changes God is making in you!

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